A business-focused metaverse with extended opportunities is making its way to the market

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  A business-focused metaverse with extended opportunities is making its way to the marketPRESS RELEASEPublished June 15, 2023 DEXART is an international metaverse built by two enthusiasts — Anton Elston and Anatoli Ille — with extensive IT, business and marketing experience. The team of the project is scattered around the world but is working on the same goal of building new possibilities for brands in virtual spaces. DEXART has successfully introduced its own token and today it allows staking, purchase of virtual land and creation of custom made virtual spaces, that are specifically aimed at the needs of businesses. DEXART started as a concept and grew into a thought-through story about the creation of this virtual world with meticulous attention to details like geography, climate zones and names of differ

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A business-focused metaverse with extended opportunities is making its way to the market
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