Referral program is a TRON-based decentralized exchange protocol between any TRC20 tokens.
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{{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }}Connect to walletConfirm your upline{{ ref.substr(0,8) + ... + ref.substr(-6) }}Please click to Confirm and sign transactionConnect to walletConfirmYour upline{{ user.upline.substr(0,8) + ... + user.upline.substr(-6) }}Connect to walletYour referral linkhttps://{{ + /ref/ + tron.account }}/Copy{{ notice.text }}Connect a walletTronLinkDisconnectedInitializing...Please login to your TronLink walletAccountConnected with TronLink{{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }}Change {{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }}Connect to wallet {{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }}Connect to wallet {{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }} {{ tron.account.substr(0,8) + ... + tron.account.substr(-4) }} Confirm your upline{{ ref.sub
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Referral program
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