
This is the Telegram translation interface. To get started, find a phrase in your language that you can improve and suggest a new translation – or vote for an existing suggestion.

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Languages Apps Translating Telegram Weve worked hard to make Telegrams English version as smooth as possible in terms of language. Now were looking for equally smooth translations into the rest of the worlds languages. If youre a linguist, pro translator or language geek and would like to help us get closer to perfection, youve come to the right place. The Interface To get started, simply log in, find a phrase in your language that you can improve and suggest a new translation – or vote for an existing suggestion. As soon as your suggestions are reviewed and accepted, the new phrases become immediately available in Telegram apps, no updates required. Official Translations Were gradually expanding the list of languages available to all users from the “Language” menu in their apps. If you would like to help us maintain the official translation t

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