Petition · Encourage Disney to approve Wander Over Yonder Season 3 ·

#SaveWOY Wander Over Yonder is a show created by Craig McCracken that ran on Disney XD from August 16 2013 – June 27 2016. McCracken and crew had planned for the show to have three seasons but Disney XD unfairly canceled it before its second season had even premiered. The reason Disney XD gave for canceling the show was that “80 episodes were enough”. They also claimed t

Start a petition My petitions Browse Petition details Comments Updates Gemma Cummins Start a petition of your ownThis petition starter stood up and took action. Will you do

Skip to main contentEncourage Disney to approve Wander Over Yonder Season 3Encourage Disney to approve Wander Over Yonder Season 30 have signed. Let’s get to 75,000!At 75,000 signatures, this petition becomes one of the top signed on!At 75,000 signatures, this petition becomes one of the top signed on! and 5 others#SaveWOY Wander Over Yonder is a show created by Craig McCracken that ran on Disney XD from August 16 2013 – June 27 2016. McCracken and crew had planned for the show to have three seasons but Disney XD unfairly canceled it before its second season had even premiered. The reason Disney XD gave for canceling the show was that “80 episodes were enough”. They also claimed that the show did better in reruns, but after airing the show’s finale they completely removed the reruns i

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Petition · Encourage Disney to approve Wander Over Yonder Season 3 ·
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