Mom cat carries a newborn kitten to the bed because she does not like the couch - YouTube

Mom cat carries a newborn kitten to the bed because she does not like the couch - YouTube cat give birth, newborn kittens, kitten, cat, cat carries kitten, carries kitten, meow, carries, mom cat, carry, mother cat, dad cat, dad cat meets kitten, first time, dad cat and mother cat, daddy ca

The mother cat carries the newborn kitten to the bed, because she does not like the couchOur cat gave birth to a kitten on the bed. This is the place I chose...

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cat give birth, newborn kittens, kitten, cat, cat carries kitten, carries kitten, meow, carries, mom cat, carry, mother cat, dad cat, dad cat meets kitten, first time, dad cat and mother cat, daddy ca

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Mom cat carries a newborn kitten to the bed because she does not like the couch - YouTube
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