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 Вход All right,have a try!I put two constables on guard there and they can help by clearing a path for you.There we must have the amount verified at once,and in the presence of reliable witnesses.Of course.Come along up!’ she said,grabbing his hand with a determined expression.Was there bad news?Yes.The oblong space in the centre suggests the main hall,the dented lines beside it the cells of the monks,the two squares the two towers. By the way,where does that narrow door near the altar over there lead to?I saw no back gate in the surrounding wall when I was standing on the top floor of the west tower.. They might tell Mrs Woo inadvertently that you are with me.One expects a knife thrust,or a blow on the head with a heavy club.Send four of your men to the east city gate,to fetch bamboo ladders,two temporary coffins,spades,shovels and more ropes.. The children clapped their hands

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