Earn up to $200 by posting content on social networks
How to make money on social media while influencing people ? Social Networks are now more about money and power than about being connected.
Earn money by sharing this article on your social networks Earn money by sharing this article on your social networks Whosdaking
application offers the possibility of generating income easily through social networks. After validating your Facebook or Twitter account, all you have to do is click a button to automatically publish on the network of your choice. Then, a moderator checks the published content and if it is suitable, you receive a reward convertible into money. ALREADY NEARLY 100,000 USERS The platform, available worldwide, allows nearly 100,000 users to earn money. On social networks, thousands of articles are published every day and attract more and more users. This large community allows huge amounts of articles to be posted quickly on Facebook and Twitter, and it is the advertising revenue that is thus returned to the most active