BrowserAutomationStudio: Chrome automation solution.

BrowserAutomationStudio is a solution that allows you to quickly create applications using browser, http client, email client, and other libraries. Programming skills are not required. Main application types: creation of posters, spammers, parsers, uploaders, apps for the social networks.

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Browser Automation Studio Browser Automation Studio * No programming skills required. Create script in visual constructor. Browser Automation Studio Browser Automation Studio * No programming skills required. Create script in visual constructor. Browser Automation Studio Browser Automation Studio * No programming skills required. Create script in visual constructor. Browser Automation Studio Browser Automation Studio * No programming skills required. Create script in visual constructor. Browser Automation Studio Browser Automation Studio * No programming skills required. Create script in visual constructor. How it works? 01 A problem Suppose you have a browser activity which you need to repeat continuously. Doing it manually is so tedious... 02 Use BAS to solve it Download BAS, it is free and easy to install 03 Repeat your activity only once more Do your workflow in BAS browser, it

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BrowserAutomationStudio: Chrome automation solution.
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