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РусскийEnglishDeutschFrançaisEspañolTürkçePolskiLanguage Cost Usual orderr Add to cart MANANA T8 MANANA is a delicate low-carb dessert to maintain the LCHF nutrition style. The energy value of T8 Manana is due to the fact that 36% of this dessert consists of dried coconut milk, which is the richest natural source of MCT oils. These oils are fatty acids with a medium-length molecular chain (MCT – from the English: Medium Chain Triglycerides). Such acids easily penetrate through the stomach wall into the blood, and from it are transferred to cells, where they quickly enter the mitochondria – the power stations of our body. The energy in the mitochondria is produced in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. And the main raw material for this process is just the fatty acids of MCT oils. In addition, the T8 Manana dessert includes chia

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