The American billionaire paid the sum of $200 to become the King on the platform and thus benefits from a global visibility at low cost.
Earn money by sharing this article on your social networks Earn money by sharing this article on your social networks Elon Musk the page dedicated to Elon Musk the boss of Tesla
is the richest man on the planet. He is now also the King of the Web. He has indeed just paid the modest sum of $200 to benefit from this prestigious title. The site allows anyone to be the King of the Web as long as they are the one to shell out the most money. Global visibility for Elon Musk By becoming the King, Elon Musk sees himself benefiting from an important prominence. Indeed, the members of the platform are paid to promote his majesty Elon Musk on social networks. As of this writing, there are nearly 12,000 members who make up this small army responsible for praising King Elon around the world. And nearly 6.5 million people have already visited Each publication made on social networks gives these members points, which can then be converted into real money. Who will dethrone King Elon? Anyone can dethrone Elon Musk, as lo